Are Your Web Directory Listings Good for SEO or One Big Waste of Time?

Yelp, Brownbook,net, Best of the Web and HotfrogI want your opinion.

What I want to know is whether you’ve ever submitted your website to online business directories.

But, more than that, I want to know whether it was worth the bother.

The reason I ask is this: Some people claim they get worthwhile results from them, while others reckon they’re a complete and utter waste of time.


5 Reasons Why Rookie Writers Should Only Blog Once a Month

Standard WordPress themeSome say you should be doing it several times a week. Some so-called SEO experts even say you should be doing it every day.

But do you really need to mass-produce blog posts like a factory assembly line in order to build up your following, move up the search engine rankings and attract more lucrative clients?

Well, it certainly seems to make sense doesn’t it?

I mean, you only have to look at a few of the many good reasons to do so and it would seem like a no-brainer:

  • The more often you post the more often you engage readers
  • You’re rapidly expanding your site with new, unique and relevant content
  • You’re creating more and more entry points to your site
  • You’re telling search engines that you update your site regularly

Now, I’ve had my copywriting website for just over six months now. And it’s ranking well and getting enquiries. So do you think that I blog once, twice or maybe three times a week? Or even several times a day?

You must be joking!


The Silly Sales Point Copywriters Too Often Make on Their Website

Uncle Sam telling you why you need a copywriterIt’s something you’ll come across on loads of copywriter websites.

And it’s often the most prominent message you see on the home page.

What am I talking about?

Some silly sales point that serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

And that’s telling your visitors why they need a copywriter.


Blog vs News: What’s the Right Choice for Your Website? (A 3-Point Checklist to Help You Choose)

Website owner deciding whether to have a blog or an online news feedSo you’ve just launched your new business website.

And now everyone’s telling you to publish regular, fresh and unique content to help boost your search engine rankings.

Some say this should be news content. But others say this is old-school content marketing. And that a blog is a far more effective strategy.

In an ideal world it would be great if you could have them both. But what if you could choose only one? Would you really know which option is right for you?


5 Non-Existent Words That Make YOU Look a Halfwit Copywriter

Halfwit copywriter looking befuddledAre you a stickler for grammar? Or someone who couldn’t care less as long as your copy sells?

Whatever the case, one thing’s for sure:

The last thing you want as a copywriter is to look an idiot.

Because when you look an idiot then so do your clients. And that’s bad for business.

Now this isn’t some kind of spelling or grammar lecture.

Far from it.


7 Reasons Why You’ll Want CommentLuv on Your WordPress Blog

(Last updated on September 11, 2014)CommentLuv WordPress plugin
Have you ever noticed in the comment section of certain blogs a small additional feature, called CommentLuv, where you can place a link to your most recent blog post against your comment?

If you’re not familiar with it then take a look at the comment section for this post. And if you want to see how it works in practice then go ahead and try it out when you’ve finished reading.

What Is CommentLuv?

Basically it’s a WordPress plugin designed to reward readers for taking the time to comment and engage with your blog.


5 World-Class Blogs Every Content Writer Should Read

(Last updated on May 8, 2021)
Road sign – blogs for freelance copywritersHow do you become a better content writer? And how do you make a success of your freelance copywriting business?

No need to worry. Because you don’t have to go on an expensive training course to learn how.

Some of the best learning resources are available for free online, providing you with a whole stack of useful information to help level up your skills.

In this post, we cover five world-class blogs that do just that.

Each website has a different focus – ranging from blogging, marketing your business and search engine optimisation to more traditional copywriting skills, such as direct mail.

So let’s run through each of them in turn.


Want to Be a Freelance Copywriter? Why a Copywriting Career Is Harder Than You Think

(Last updated on May 4, 2021)
The copywriter's working environment – a desk, laptop and mug of coffeeRunning your own copywriting business sure beats working 9–5. It can be fun and it can be rewarding. But one thing it definitely isn’t and that is easy.

Yet, for some reason, many of the people I know assume that it’s all just a piece of cake. After all, virtually everyone knows how to write, don’t they?

If only it were really that simple.