Trade Secrets: How to Craft Bullet Points Like a Superstar Copywriter

The secret to writing successful bullet pointsThey’re one of the most powerful copywriting tricks you have at your disposal.

They can transform your writing from sterile, weak and lifeless copy into high-impact content that everyone wants to read and share.

But do you really know how to use bullet points properly? And do you know how to exploit them to their full potential?

Not quite sure?

Then I’ll show you some of the deviously clever ways superstar copywriters turn boring, everyday vertical lists into super-charged bullet points that leap off the page.

But first of all let’s quickly recap the basics, starting with why bullet points are so effective.


The Common-Sense Way to Edit Your Writing – Without Going Overboard

Keep your copy short. Keep it simple. Edit out this. Cut down on that.

It’s what all the top copywriting blogs tell you to do.

Just lately, practically every other post about blogging or writing seems to be giving out the same guidance on how to edit down your copy.

Don’t use long words when short ones will do. Ditch redundant words. Steer clear of the passive voice.

Again all pretty sound advice wouldn’t you say?

So what’s the problem?


Why Reading Books Sucks If YOU Want Killer Copywriting Gigs

Who else has never read a book since school?

Now that may seem like a bizarre question to expect from someone who writes for a living. It might even freak you out.

But the truth is that I’ve never actually read a single book since I left high school.

OK, I’ve read a fair bit of non-fiction – and I’ll get onto that in a minute – but not so much as a single novel, play or any other book of fictional or creative nature.

Absolutely nothing.

I detested English Literature at school. I couldn’t even get beyond the first couple of pages of a novel without hyperventilating with boredom.

So how on earth did I end up becoming a copywriter?


Two Crafty Conversion Tricks Copywriters Can Learn from eCommerce

Do you get tons of visitors to your website? Yet, for some reason, none of them ever becomes a client?

Well, one way you might be able to generate more enquiries is to think more like an online retailer.

But before I tell you exactly how, there’s just one thing you’ll need to know – what it is that makes a great online retail site.


Are Your Web Directory Listings Good for SEO or One Big Waste of Time?

I want your opinion.

What I want to know is whether you’ve ever submitted your website to online business directories.

But, more than that, I want to know whether it was worth the bother.

The reason I ask is this: Some people claim they get worthwhile results from them, while others reckon they’re a complete and utter waste of time.


The Silly Sales Point Copywriters Too Often Make on Their Website

It’s something you’ll come across on loads of copywriter websites.

And it’s often the most prominent message you see on the home page.

What am I talking about?

Some silly sales point that serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

And that’s telling your visitors why they need a copywriter.


5 World-Class Blogs Every Content Writer Should Read

(Last updated on May 8, 2021)
How do you become a better content writer? And how do you make a success of your freelance copywriting business?

No need to worry. Because you don’t have to go on an expensive training course to learn how.

Some of the best learning resources are available for free online, providing you with a whole stack of useful information to help level up your skills.

In this post, we cover five world-class blogs that do just that.

Each website has a different focus – ranging from blogging, marketing your business and search engine optimisation to more traditional copywriting skills, such as direct mail.

So let’s run through each of them in turn.


Want to Be a Freelance Copywriter? Why a Copywriting Career Is Harder Than You Think

(Last updated on May 4, 2021)
Running your own copywriting business sure beats working 9–5. It can be fun and it can be rewarding. But one thing it definitely isn’t and that is easy.

Yet, for some reason, many of the people I know assume that it’s all just a piece of cake. After all, virtually everyone knows how to write, don’t they?

If only it were really that simple.